Acupuncture is a technique in which practitioners insert fine needles into the skin to treat health problems.
The needles may be manipulated manually or stimulated with small electrical currents (electroacupuncture). Acupuncture has been in use in some form for at least 2,500 years.

Cranio Sacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on treatment that may provide relief from a variety of symptoms including headaches, neck pain and side effects of cancer treatment among many others.
CST uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system.

Physical Therapy
Physical therapy addresses the illnesses or injuries that limit a person's abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives. PTs use an individual's history and physical examination to arrive at a diagnosis and establish a management plan and, when necessary, incorporate the results of laboratory and imaging studies like X-rays, CT-scan, or MRI findings.

Lymphatic Enhancement
Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy (LET) is an innovative approach to stimulating the lymphatic system. The LET practitioner uses a combination of gentle manual techniques and the Lymphstar Pro Fusion® modality applied directly to the skin to improve the flow of lymphatic fluid throughout the body. LET uses low vibrational energy provided by radiofrequency waves to decrease lymph congestion and increase the flow of protein rich fluid in the tissue space.

Chi Nei Tsang
Chi Nei Tsang (CNT) is a centuries-old variety of healing touch therapy from China. It focuses on deep, gentle abdominal massage in order to “train” the internal abdominal organs to work more efficiently, which in turn is said to improve physical and emotional health. CNT is based on the belief that unresolved emotional issues are stored in the digestive system and that poor “emotional digestion” is one of the main reasons for ill health.

Functional/Lifestyle Medicine
The functional medicine model of care offers a patient-centered approach to chronic disease management. It seeks to answer the question, “Why are you ill?” so you can receive personalized, effective care for your needs.
Functional medicine providers spend time listening to you and gathering your medical history.

Sound/Vibrational Medicine
We combine sound healing with vibrational medicine for a full-body effect that is sure to send you into a peaceful state of relaxation, activating the parasympathetic nervous system for rest and healing.
We use lightweight brass singing bowls directly on the body to apply gentle vibrations throughout the whole self.
May also include medicinal tuning forks or crystal bowls.

Energy Medicine
Energy treatments are aimed at healing imbalances in the energy fields purported to be in and around the human body.
Common reasons for seeking energy medicine treatments include: Mood disorders (anxiety or depression) Being out of balance.

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

Benefits of massage
reduced muscle tension.
improved circulation.
stimulation of the lymphatic system.
reduction of stress hormones.
increased joint mobility and flexibility.
improved skin tone.
improved recovery of soft tissue injuries.
Coming Soon

Herbal Medicine
Products made from botanicals, or plants, that are used to treat diseases or to maintain health are called herbal products, botanical products, or phytomedicines.
A product made from plants and used solely for internal use is called an herbal supplement.

Low Level Laser Light
Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) is a fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.
LLLT is an efficient tool to reduce pain, edema and inflammation without adverse effects to promote damaged tissue repairing.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic doctors are educated and trained in accredited naturopathic medical colleges. They diagnose, prevent, and treat acute and chronic illness to restore and establish optimal health by supporting the person's inherent self-healing process.
Naturopathy takes a holistic approach to wellness with a foundation based on the importance of a healthy diet, clean fresh water, sunlight, exercise and stress management.

Hypnotherapy is a heightened state of concentration and focused attention. Guided by a trained, certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist, hypnosis allows you to be more open to suggestions to making healthful changes in your perceptions, sensations, emotions, memories, thoughts or behaviors. Can be helpful for habit breaking, fear, anxiety, pain control, ptsd and more.

Biofeedback is a type of mind-body technique you use to control some of your body's functions, such as your heart rate, breathing patterns and muscle responses. During biofeedback, you're connected to electrical pads that help you get information about your body, and with a goal of being able to manipulate the body's systems at will.

Acutonics is a non-invasive healing method that uses sound and vibrations from tuning forks to balance energy in the body. Tuning forks are placed on acupuncture points, muscle groups, or other points of pain to create resonance and balance energy. The tuning forks are calibrated to the vibrations of celestial bodies, such as the Earth, Moon, and Sun.